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Call for applications for part-time collaborations for students registered in degree programmes at the School of Medicine (Turin and Orbassano Campus hubs), academic year.2022–23.

Published: Thursday, February 2, 2023

The call for applications for part-time collaborations for students registered in degree programmes at the School of Medicine (Turin and Orbassano campus hubs), academic year 2022/23 is now available. It has been posted in the Albo di ateneo (the official University Register) as item no. 607.

Applications may be submitted by students registered on year 2 or higher in degree programmes in Biotecnologie e delle Professioni Sanitarie(Turin and Orbassano hubs), Medicina e Chirurgia (Turin and Orbassano hubs), Medicine and Surgery, Odontoiatria e Protesi Dentaria.

Last update: 02/02/2023 09:53
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