- Oggetto:
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- Oggetto:
Academic year 2024/2025
- Course ID
- SCB0216
- Teachers
- Marco Volante (Coordinator)
Luisella Righi (Lecturer)
Anna Sapino (Lecturer) - Year
- 4th year
- Teaching period
- First and Second semester
- Type
- Basic
- Credits/Recognition
- 12 (96 hours of lectures, 48 hours of exercises)
- Course disciplinary sector (SSD)
- MED/08 - pathology
- Delivery
- Formal authority
- Language
- English
- Attendance
- Mandatory
- Type of examination
- Written and oral
- Prerequisites
- Prerequisites are knowledge in normal Anatomy, Histology, Basic Pathology and Immunology, Pathology and Pathophysiology, Cell Biology and Genetics.
- Propedeutic for
- Pathology is propaedeutic for each specialty of medicine (including internal medicine) and surgery, and for Forensic and Occupational Medicine.
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Sommario del corso
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Course objectives
- Basic pathology lesions including cell damage, tissue damage, organ damage. Their evolution during major diseases in different organs and systems.
- Role of pathology in the decision-making process of physicians and surgeons. Making use of diagnostic histopathology and cytopathology for the purposes of diagnosis, preventive medicine, prognosis and treatment of individual patients.
- Role of pathology in understanding how the most relevant diseases of organs and systems work (see syllabus for details).
- Critical analysis when correlating functional changes, signs and symptoms and pathological conditions. Critical ability to interpret underlying mechanisms and understanding clinical significance.
- New molecular diagnostic techniques applied to cells and tissues for diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic purposes, aimed at better pinpointing human cancers.
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Results of learning outcomes
Learning outcomes include skills and knowledge of protocols and procedures in diagnostic pathology; knowledge of the classification of both non-neoplastic and neoplastic disease for each individual organ and system; applicability and limitations of different types of tissue samples according to the diagnostic context.
- Oggetto:
- History of pathology; pathology techniques; types of cell and tissue samples, fixation.
- Pericardium: effusions, pericarditis, tumours.
- Heart: congenital heart disease; myocarditis; endocarditis; rheumatic heart disease; valve disease; cardiomyopathy; infarction; angina; sudden death.
- Blood vessels: atherosclerosis, calcific sclerosis, arteriolosclerosis; aortic dissection; vasculitis.
- Complex diseases: heart failure; hypertensive disease; heart transplantation.
- Larynx: laryngitis, polyps, papilloma, leukoplakia, carcinoma.
- Lung: cysts; atelectasis, diffuse alveolar damage; pulmonary hypertension; embolism; chronic bronchitis and small airways disease, emphysema, bronchiectasis, asthma; pneumonia; abscess; pulmonary fibrosis, pneumoconiosis, sarcoidosis; tuberculosis; mycosis; lung cancer.
- Pleura: effusions; pleurisy; hyaline plaques; tumours.
- Complex diseases: obstructive and restrictive respiratory syndromes.
- Tumours (thymic and extrathymic ones).
- Oral cavity and salivary glands: inflammatory lesions; precancerous lesions; tumours.
- Esophagus: congenital malformations and stenosis, precancerous lesions and carcinoma.
- Stomach: gastritis; peptic ulcer; polyps and adenoma; carcinoma; other tumors.
- Bowel: congenital abnormalities; diverticular disease; malabsorption; infarction and ischemic colitis; enteritis; inflammatory bowel disease (IBD); polyp, adenoma and adenomatous syndromes; carcinoma and other tumors.
- Peritoneum. Effusions; peritonitis, tumors.
- Liver and biliary tract: vascular diseases; toxic and viral hepatitis; liver necrosis; infections; cholangitis; lithiasis; cirrhosis; primary and secondary tumors.
- Exocrine pancreas: acute and chronic pancreatitis; tumors.
- Complex diseases: liver failure; liver transplant.
- Mastitis; fibrocystic disease; gynecomastia; fibro-epithelial lesions; papillomas; pre-invasive neoplastic lesions, carcinoma; other tumors.
- Kidney: cystic disease; primary and secondary glomerulopathies; primary and secondary tubular diseases; interstitial nephritis; infections; vasculitis; tumors; renal transplant.
- Bladder: cystitis; tumors.
- Testis: orchitis and epididymitis; cryptorchidism; male infertility; tumors.
- Prostate: hyperplasia; inflammation; preinvasive lesions and carcinoma.
- Ovary: physiological changes; cysts and polycystic ovary syndrome; neoplasms
- Uterus: endometrial and cervical infections; endometrial hormonal abnormalities; endometriosis; endometrial hyperplasia; pre-invasive endometrial lesions; endometrial carcinoma; stromal tumors; cervical cancer screening; pre-invasive cervical lesions; cervical carcinoma; pathology of pregnancy.
- Vulva and vagina: inflammatory disorders/infections; tumors.
- Thyroid: developmental anomalies; hyperplastic disease; inflammatory-autoimmune diseases; neoplasms; cytology of thyroid nodules.
- Parathyroid: cysts; hyperplasia; tumors.
- Neuroendocrine neoplasms: classification and site-specific characterization.
- Adrenal: congenital anomalies; hemorrhage; infections; hyperplasia; cortical tumors; medullary tumors.
- Pituitary: inflammatory/infiltrative diseases; necrosis; tumors.
- Lymph nodes: Lymphoadenitis; Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphomas.
- Bone marrow: leukemias; myeloma; myeloproliferative and myelodisplastic syndromes.
- Spleen: congestion; infarction, splenomegalies, infections.
- Inflammatory disorders; infections/infestations; epithelial neoplasms; melanocytic neoplasms; other tumors
- Trauma and haemorrhage; infections; demyelinating disorders; degenerative diseases; tumours.
- Bone: fibrous dysplasia; osteopenic diseases; Paget's disease; infections; bone tumours.
- Soft tissue: classification of benign tumours and sarcomas.
- medical purposes; post-mortem phenomena; definition of cause of death.
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Course delivery
The course consists of face-to-face lectures, integrated lecture, elective teaching activities and case discussions to improve your problem-solving ability. The material from the lectures is made available to the students at the end of each lecture.
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Learning assessment methods
Final examination at the end of the course (no mid-term exams).
The examination is made up of a written test and oral examination. The written test consists of multiple-choice or short-text questions. If successful (i.e., pass mark of 15/30), the student will proceed to the oral examination. The oral examination will account for +/-30% of the mark obtained in the written test. However, in the event of a completely inadequate oral examination, a fail mark will be awarded, regardless of the mark obtained in the written test.
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Support activities
Course lecturers are available upon request to provide students with further information and learning support.
Suggested readings and bibliography
- Oggetto:
- Book
- Title:
- The Washington Manual of Surgical Pathology
- Year of publication:
- 2019
- Publisher:
- Author:
- John D Pfeifer, Louis P Dehner, Peter A Humphrey
- Required:
- Yes
- Oggetto:
- Book
- Title:
- Robbins e Cotran Le basi patologiche delle malattie
- Year of publication:
- 2015
- Publisher:
- Edra Masson
- Author:
- V. Kumar, A. K. Abbas, J. C. Aster
- Notes:
- Required:
- Yes
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Students with DSA or disabilities are kindly requested to take note of the reception services and support services offered by the University of Turin, and in particular of the procedures required for exam support.
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Teaching Modules
- Pathology - Module of Pathology A (SCB0216A)
- Pathology - Module of Pathology B (SCB0216B)
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