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Endocrine, Metabolic and Gastroenteric Diseases - Module of Internal Medicine


Internal Medicine


Academic year 2023/2024

Course ID
Teaching staff
Marco De Gobbi (Lecturer)
Alessandro Morotti
Giuseppe Reimondo
Modular course
3rd year
Teaching period
To be defined
3 (24 hours of lectures, 12 of exercises)
Course disciplinary sector (SSD)
MED/09 - internal medicine
Formal authority
Type of examination
Written and oral

Sommario del corso


Course objectives

The course aims to provide elements of a decision-making process that leads to the diagnosis of the main metabolic diseases, as well as to the rational setting of both medical and surgical therapy.

The means proposed for this purpose include:

  • The collection of anamnestic data structured by problems;
  • The patient's physical signs;
  • The knowledge of the biotechnological and instrumental resources that can be used, and of their predictive value according to the different contexts of use;
  • The knowledge of the pathophysiological mechanisms involved in the individual diseases;
  • The critical evaluation and the ability to correlate clinical symptoms, physical signs and functional alterations with pathological lesions, interpreting their production mechanisms and understanding their clinical significance;
  • The concept of etiopathogenetic therapy.

Results of learning outcomes

After attending the course students must:

  • Knowledge of the anatomical and physiological basis of the main metabolic disorders;
  • Suspect the presence of major metabolic disorders;
  • Activate decision-making processes based on patient conditions, altered parameter values, laboratory reports and examinations;
  • Manage diagnostic pathways ensuring adequate patient preparation for diagnostic procedure and post-procedure surveillance;
  • Manage the care of patients (pediatric, adult and elderly age) with metabolic diseases;
  • Managing care in patients with chronic metabolic problems;
  • Discuss clinical cases focusing on clinical suspicion, diagnostic approach and therapeutic options;
  • Identify educational interventions aimed at people who must continue treatment at home or continue self-management of the disease;
  • Discuss clinical cases focusing on clinical suspicion, diagnostic approach and therapeutic options

Course delivery

Course will be delivered as face-to-face lecture plus exercises (either face-to-face or individual independent study of clinical cases)

Teaching materials will be uploaded to the Moodle page of the Course

Remember to register for the Course on the Moodle page in order to have access to the teaching materials uploaded on the Moodle page


Learning assessment methods

See Integrated Course web page

There will be a written test with 100 multiple choice questions (1 correct answer out of 4-5 possibilities) divided by discipline:

  • Endocrinology: 30
  • Gastroenterology: 30
  • Internal Medicine: 30 (10 for each module)
  • General Surgery: 10

1 point for correct answer, no penalty for wrong answers.

0-58: failed
59-74: oral mandatory examination in all subjects
75-100: oral optional examination (if taken, in all subjects)

>90=30, 90=28, 88-89=27, 85-87=26, 82-84=25, 79-81=24, 75-78=23, 72-74=22, 69-71=21, 65-68=20, 62-64=19, 59-61=18, <59=fail

With a score equal to or greater than 59 (60% overall) the test will be considered passed and the student will have access to the oral exam. The oral examination will be scheduled either in the same date of the written test or in the second date of the same exam round. Bonus points can be added according to attendance at support activities.

If a student fails the oral exam or does not complete the oral exam within the ongoing exam session, then the written test must be retaken. In the event a student fails the oral exam only in one discipline, he/she has the opportunity to re-take only the insufficient part during the next exam session. A student with two or more insufficient marks has to take all the subjects in the following exam sessions.


Support activities

Exercises, either face-to-face or individual independent study of clinical cases



  • DIABETES MELLITUS: Diagnosis, classification, and pathophysiology; Management and therapies; Acute and chronic complications; Discussion of the recent guidelines.
  • DISORDERS OF LIPOPROTEN METABOLISM: Diagnosis, classification, and pathophysiology; Management and therapies; Discussion of the recent guidelines.
  • ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION: Approach to the patients with arterial hypertension (excluded phaeochromocytoma and aldosteron producing adenoma); Resistant and malignant hypertension; Management and therapies; Discussion of the recent guidelines.
  • PURINES and PYRIMIDINES metabolism and disorders.
  • HOMOCYSTEIN metabolism and disorders.
  • INHERITED METABOLIC DISORDERS: inborn error of metabolism and screening.
  • ACQUIRED METABOLIC TOPICS: neoplastic cachexia.
  • IRON and CUPPER metabolism: inherited and acquired disorders (Hemochromatosis, Iron loading anemia, ACD, Wilson disease).
  • PORPHIRIAS: metabolic disorders caused by altered activities of enzymes within the heme biosynthetic pathway.

Suggested readings and bibliography



Students with DSA or disabilities are kindly requested to take note of the reception services and support services offered by the University of Turin, and in particular of the procedures required for exam support.

Last update: 02/04/2024 18:23
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