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Resumption of face-to-face clerkships

Published: Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Following our previous communications and in light of the agreements reached with the Hospitals affiliated with the School of Medicine which have made themselves available to organize clerkships, we inform you that:

Clerkships from 12 October to 6 November 2020 can be booked online on Moodle by clicking on “TIROCINIO E TUTORATO CLINICO” > “PRENOTAZIONE TIROCINI ORBASSANO” (“Clerkships and clinical tutoring”, “Orbassano clerkships booking”). Bookings can be made from 7 October at 13:00.

In this first reopening round, places are reserved to sixth-year students.

To complete your booking, it is necessary to have a valid fitness for work certificate and have successfully attended the Health and Safety Course.

At the end of the first booking round, all remaining places will be reserved for fifth-year students, and so on.

Please note that once you have completed your booking you, attending the chosen hospital facility will be compulsory. If you are unable to attend due to serious circumstances, timely notice must be sent at the latest on the Thursday before the start of the clerkship to The office will notify the head physician and make the vacated place available to other students.

Since the number of places available has had to be reduced, and to ensure that all places are filled, it will not be possible to change your booking outside the booking window. In case of unjustified absence, you will not be able to book your clerkship for the next two rounds.

Finally, we would like to inform you that the staff of the Degree Programme in Medicine and Surgery and that of the School of Medicine are working to restore the full availability of clerkship places for all students as soon as possible and in line with the provisions made by each hospital. Updates will be published on the Degree Programme website. Please check updates and the webpages dedicated to clerkships regularly.

Please also be advised that, in light of the current Coronavirus epidemic, clerkships remain subject to current and future regulations, as well as to all provisions made by the University and the hospitals where the clerkships will take place.

Last update: 07/10/2020 12:50
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