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Carpooling experimentation at San Luigi in Orbassano

Published: Tuesday, October 4, 2022

The Mobility Manager, the University Green Office UniToGO and the Student Representatives of the Departments of Clinical and Biological Sciences and Oncology are pleased to announce that from October 3rd 2022 the experimentation of carpooling will start for students and staff of San Luigi in Orbassano.

Reaching the Orbassano venue by public transport is unfortunately complex and many choose to use the car. To reduce the number of cars on the road, you can share the journey with colleagues, adopting a comfortable, safe and convenient transport alternative. As part of a project with the Metropolitan City of Turin, the University of Turin has chosen to experiment the Jojob Real Time Carpooling service: JojobRT is the app dedicated to members of the San Luigi UniTo Community who want to share the journey home-university with their colleagues.

How to join the San Luigi UniTo community

By downloading the Jojob Real Time Carpooling app and registering for free with their institutional email (, the whole student community and staff of San Luigi will be able to share the journey from home to university with members of the UniTo Community who are on the same route or close to a common starting point, such as the train station or a parking lot, while knowing exactly how to divide the travel costs.

To be part of the San Luigi Community of the University of Turin, each user must enter the UNITO code by clicking on the Community button. Only in this way can you have access to dedicated incentives!

JojobRT rewards you every day

From October 3rd, if you become a member of the San Luigi community, each carpooling trip allows you to accumulate an immediate credit of € 0.50 per trip (max € 1 per day). Once you have reached the € 5 threshold, you can independently download the Amazon, Zalando, fuel and Carrefour vouchers via the app. What are you waiting for? Get on board!

MEET JojobRT on October 26th at San Luigi

To better understand the Jojob world we have organized a day at San Luigi in which a member of the Jojob Team will provide the information necessary to join the JojobRT project in the best possible way.

Participating in these in-depth moments will allow you to understand together how you can make a difference and reduce the environmental impact of your travels.

Program of the day of October 26th, 2022

  • 10.30 - 11.15 - Training in the seminar room
  • 11.15 - 12.00 - Training in the seminar room
  • 12.00 - 12.45 - Training in the seminar room
  • 13.00 - 16.00 - Infopoint near the Vending Machines (near the entrance to the train rooms)
  • 16.15 - 17.00 - Training in the seminar room

To participate in the training, registration is required:

Why join JojobRT with the San Luigi-UniTo community?

Jojob can be used both every day and in case of unforeseen circumstances or necessities (public transport strike, unavailability of the car, etc.) and you can:

  • organize and publish your carpooling trips
  • offer a ride by making your car available, organize the trip with passengers and get a refund for each shared trip directly through the app
  • find a ride thanks to the drivers who will make themselves available to share the journey
  • manage, if you wish, transactions directly on Jojob and always keep your personal wallet, Account J, at hand
  • communicate with your crew via the integrated chat
  • reduce the environmental impact of your travels

For any request, doubt or technical report send an email to

Download the Jojob Real Time Carpooling app from your store (Google Play or App Store).

Last update: 28/12/2023 09:20
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